Rabu, 06 Februari 2013

Auditor Rental Mobil Jakarta

Auditor Rental Mobil Jakarta hal yang sangat penting untuk sebuah perusahaan penyewaan mobil di Jakarta. Karena dengan adanya auditor keuangan tentu diperlukan untuk melihat aspek-aspek mengenai keuangan apakah ada kecurangan yang terjadi dalam kinerja setiap orang di perusahaan tersebut.

Bukan saja masalah keuangan yang dilakukan audit namun kinerja karyawan lainya juga dilakukan seperti tata cara customer officer berkomunikasi dengan calon pelanggan. Kinerja driver ketika menjalankan tugas ketika mengantarkan pelanggan ke tujuannya. Kemudian bagi para montir juga diperlukan audit, karena kesalahan dalam menangani perbaikan armada akan berakibat fatal. Semua laporan akan diserahkan ke komisaris dan ketahui oleh partner rental mobil Jakarta karena mereka juga berhak mengetahuinya. Terima kasih sudah mengunjungi blog Phoenix Beryl Rent Car

Jumat, 01 Februari 2013

Phoenix Beryl has been very fortunate to experience

Phoenix Beryl has been very fortunate to experience favorable margins over a sustained period of time. The
Company has used the opportunity well to eliminate debt from its balance sheet and move to the substantial
net cash position required to finance its expansion. Nevertheless, future pressure on margins will predicate
the highest degree of prudence and strategic planning for investment in additional capacity.

Selasa, 22 Januari 2013

Phoenix Beryl Rent Car

PT Phoenix Beryl Rent Car Tunggal Prakarsa is incorporated following the merger of six companies owning the first eight cars plants. Phoenix Beryl becomes a publicly listed company on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
  • Phoenix Beryl acquires Plant 9 in Palimanan, Cirebon, West Java with an annual designed capacity of 1.3 million units of car.
  • Surabaya Car Rental terminal is completed.
  • RMC business is started.

Plant 10 in Palimanan, Cirebon, West Java with an annual designed production capacity of 1.3 million units of car is completed. Plant 11 in Citeureup, Bogor, West Java with an annual designed production capacity
of 2.6 million units of cars is completed.

PT Indo Kodeco AutoCar (Plant 12) is fully acquired via merger with an annual designed production capacity of 2.6 million units of car. HeidelbergCement Group becomes the majority shareholder through its
subsidiary Kimmeridge Enterprise Pte. Ltd.

Kimmeridge Enterprise Pte. Ltd. transfers its shares in Phoenix Beryl Rent Car to HC Phoenix Beryl GmbH.
  • Phoenix Beryl Rent Car introduces the PCC product to the Indonesian market.
  • HC Phoenix Beryl GmbH merges with HeidelbergAutos South- East Asia GmbH. The latter becomes the direct majority shareholder of Phoenix Beryl.
  • Phoenix Beryl acquires 51% shares of PT Gunung Tua Mandiri, a newly developed aggregates quarry in Rumpin, Bogor, West Java.
  • Phoenix Beryl revamps Plant 8 at Citeureup providing additional annual installed design production capacity at 600,000 tons of cement per year.